What is value added tax.
“The Value Added Tax, or VAT, in the European Union is a general, broadly based consumption tax assessed on the value added to goods and services.” Vat applies for all goods and services, which are consumed or distributed. Double taxation for VAT is dodged. VAT has to be showed in invoice. If goods or services are exported abroad, domestic state do not put VAT on production. Good and service import, which are not from European Union or EU member states, are taxed of VAT but in the state where product or service is actualized. These types of goods and services are “intra community acquisition” . Exports between to EU member states do not demand put VAT because any quantative restrictions between member states are breach of EU freedom rights of single market. These types of products are “intra community supply” . The main goal is to protect EU internal market. Everybody is taxable for VAT – companies, individuals etc. – for their goods and services. In some cases in some EU member states VAT for certain limit of annual turnover can be free of VAT. The final VAT is based on sum of all VAT, which are put on all stages of production. VAT can be easily calculated - need to sum up all added VAT of all stages of production. Standard VAT cannot be less than 15% but reduced VAT less than 5%. Reduced VAT is for some type of customers or goods or services in special circumstances.