You can quickly add any paper to your favourite. Cool!English Legal System. Angļu juridiskā sistēma
Summaries, Notes for university18
Angļu juridiskai sistēmai piemīt viena ievērojama īpatnība, kas to atšķir gandrīz no juridiskām sistēmām visā pasaulē: tai nav ne civilkodeksā, ne kriminālkodeksa. Likumi daļēji ...
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Lecture Notes in English Style
Summaries, Notes for university18
Language. Speech. Text. (D…) Language is a system of associations (these are simple and complex signs) which exists in human minds but manifests itself in the acts of speech. As ...
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Protection of Property
Research Papers for university7
Evaluated!Theme of work “Protection of property”. The planned purpose of work is the detailed statement about - the term “Possessions”, leases and licences to occupy property, social ...
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The Bosnian War and Its Aftermath
Research Papers for secondary school12
In 1995, exactly 50 years after the end of the bloodiest conflict in human history, another one ended. This conflict was fought for 3 years in the Balkan nation of Bosnia- ...
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Protection of Human Rights in the European Union / Cilvēktiesību aizsardzība Eiropas Savienībā
Research Papers for university5
Evaluated!Human rights are universal, undividable and mutually dependent and are the central elements of the European Union's human rights policies. These policies were developed to ...