You can quickly add any paper to your favourite. Cool!Socio-Economic Factors of Consumer Behavior: Regional Aspect. Patērētāju uzvedības sociālekonomiskie faktori: reģionālais aspekts
Summaries, Notes for university82
NOBEIGUMS Galvenie secinājumi, atzinumi un konstatējumi Promocijas darbā ar ekonomisko uzvedību apzīmēts pazīmju un rādītāju kopums, kas raksturo patērētāju darbības, ieskaitot ...
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Advantages and Disadvantages of Computer Games
Essays for elementary school1
1. Playing these games can help children feel comfortable with technology; give them the chance to compete against themselves, rather than another child; and can help children ...
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Computer Games
Essays for elementary school1
All things considered I believe that everyone have a choice between playing a game or let the game to play with them. In my opinion computer games are like a gamble games, but it ...