You can quickly add any paper to your favourite. Cool!Summary about book “The Psychology of Money” by Morgan Housel
Samples for secondary school7
It is always interesting to look at business, economics, and finance from a psychological perspective. Why people do it, react, reach, and lose. In the book’’ The Psychology of ...
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Summary of the book “The Psychology of Money” by Morgan Housel
Summaries, Notes for university8
NewFirst of all, I'd like to remark that the author Morgan Housel explores the intersection of psychology and financial decision-making in his book '’The Psychology of Money. How our ...
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Ten Techniques to Shape Children's Behavior - Home Reading
Summaries, Notes for secondary school13
1. PRAISE Praise is a valuable shaper; children want to please you and keep your approval. Yet, you can easily overdo it. Praise the behavior, not the person. Praises like "good ...
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Teenagers and Their Problems
Essays for secondary school1
The third problem is education. This is the time when the teenager shows his defiant attitude. Ups and downs at school are part of life for teenagers. Parents and friends play an ...
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Gender and Social Stereotypes in the USA
Presentations for secondary school9
Conclusion A characteristic was simple racial separation, in which whites had much higher public status. Gender inequality creates an inflexible society. Inequality is caused by ...
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The Health of a 21st century teenager
Presentations for secondary school12
HOW STRESS LEADS TO BURNOUT ? Burnout is a state of chronic stress that leads to physical and emotional exhaustion, depression, detachment, cynicism, and lack of accomplishment ...
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Latvian Surnames in Kurzeme
Research Papers for university15
I have chosen this topic because I found it interesting to get to know what kind of Latvian surnames are most popular in Kurzeme. Of course the numbers are approximate because I ...
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Adolescent Sexuality and Mass Media
Research Papers for university7
In my paper, I am going to discuss whether and how mass media may shape adolescents’ sexualities. I argue that, though there is no doubt that media have a great impact on the ...
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Summaries, Notes for secondary school1
Smēķēšana ir degošas tabakas dūmu ieelpošana caur muti, kuras rezultātā rodas daudzas slimības, piemēram, ļaundabīgie audzēji, sirds un asinsvadu slimības un hronisks bronhīts. ...
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Anglicisms in the Latvian and Russian Languages
Research Papers for university30
Conclusion Borrowing from other languages is a consistent and natural process. Intercultural relations stimulate language contacts, which result hence in penetration, acquisition ...
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Teenage Language in the Film "Twilight"
Essays for secondary school1
Nowadays it seems that each generation develops their own vocabulary and phrases. Especially young people, is it in schools or in the streets, most often in their everyday speech ...
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You Can Be Popular!
Essays for secondary school2
Free!The spirits of competition inhere in everyone. When we were children, it was shown very rough- we wanted to be the best, the nicest, the most loved and so on. And we tried to fight ...
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Teenagers and Social Network Sites
Essays for university3
In conclusion, I want to say that social network sites and networking have pros and cons, but it is necesarry to understand how often use social network sites, as I have said, ...