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Showing 1 - 25 of 38 on 2 pages
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  • Slāpekļa cikls

    Presentations for secondary school15  

    ... . Mūsā slāpekļa piesārņojums pārsniedz noteikto normu ... fosfora attiecība ūdens piesārņojuma konstatēšanā ir ... . Slāpekļa lielākais piesārņojuma avots ir lauksaimniecības ...

  • Competitiveness of J/S Company "Kometa" in the World Market

    Term Papers for university75  

    The topic of dissertation “Competitiveness of J/S Company ‘Kometa’ in the world market” is essential, because competitiveness proves to be necessary prerequisite for success of any ...

  • Russian - Georgian War in 2008

    Research Papers for university14  

    3. CONCLUSION Firstly, military strategies did not coincide at all with the military art that had been practiced for centuries; If, according to Sun Ji, military art should ...

  • Aviation Pollution

    Presentations for secondary school11  

    1 slaids: Air pollution is very topical theme nowadays. Aviation transport is causing greenhouse effect and noise pollution. 2 slaids: It is assumed that aviation industry ...

  • Nature Protection

    Essays for secondary school1  

    There are many ways how pollute nature and how to protect nature, and people do so many things to pollute nature. Sometimes it happens because people are too inattentive. There are ...

  • Whatever We Do to Nature, We Do It to Ourselves

    Essays for secondary school2  

    Our Earth is enormous, fascinating, fast growing, explosive. Don’t you agree? It is dynamic owing to the nature and also thanks to every living thing. Mostly the biggest influence ...

  • Economical Terms. Glossary

    Summaries, Notes for university18  

    Marketing Mārketings The action or business of promoting and selling products or services, including market research and advertising. Credit card Kredītkarte A small ...

  • Lake Engure

    Presentations for elementary school9  

    Objects around the lake Nearly the lake are Mērsrags and Kūļciems. The lake itself is located in Piejūras zemiene. Flora and fauna There are 5 species of fish, 44 of birds, ...

  • Green Economics

    Essays for university3  

    This means that people are trying to go green for only some reasons – to improve the economic aspect of every-day life rather than care for the whole environment. The report ...

  • Industrial Waste

    Summaries, Notes for secondary school2  

    Rebuilding habitats by planting more trees and plants can help giving wildlife back their homes. - Stricter laws and policies - Not throwing out batteries. In supermarkets you ...

  • Marine Pollution

    Presentations for elementary school8  

    Noise Pollution Unnatural noises interrupt communication, disrupting migration, communication, hunting, and reproduction patterns for many marine animals. Marine Garbage A ...

  • Kоmercbankas dalītо pakalpоjumu centra izveide

    Term Papers for university135 TOP 500

    Pēdējo desmitu gadu laikā vairāki uzņēmumi visā pasaulē samazināja savas izmaksas ievēšot Dalīto Pakalpojumu centrus, kur biznesa procesi tiek deligēti speciāli zveidotai ...

  • Air Pollution in the Environment Around Us

    Essays for university2  

    Some people might disagree saying that painting bicycle lanes is a good way to spend the taxpayers’ money. Others might feel that our government should be spending more money on ...

  • Talsi - Brilliant of Kurzeme

    Research Papers for secondary school3  

    1. Talsi history: Talsi – „Pearl of Kurzeme’’ – The town of nine hills – Pilskalns, Keninkals, Lecu hill, Tigulu hill, Sauleskals, Baznickalns, Krievragkalns, Vilkmuizas hill, ...

  • Specimen of Irrevocable Letter of Credit

    Samples for university4  

    ... Iesniedzējs : "Ventspils Oil" Talsu iela 85, Ventspils ...

  • Specimen of Irrevocable Letter of Credit

    Samples for university4  

    ... : VAS "Ventspils Oil" Talsu St. 85, Ventspils ...

  • The May 15th (1934) Subversion in Latvia

    Research Papers for secondary school4  

    “Seventy-three years ago, slightly over six years before Stalin destroyed our Republic; other gentleman (Karlis Ulmanis) destroyed our democracy.” (1) Karlis Ulmanis is one of ...

  • Organization's Management

    Presentations for university26  

    ... as affiliate of Talsu Music School, but ... ca afiliat al Talsu la scoala de ...

  • Visiting Vidzeme Nature and Animals

    Research Papers for university9  

    Conclusions and Recommendations I think this itinerary is viable. Especially nowadays not only people from cities, but also from countryside have to take longer trips and get to ...

  • Latvian Surnames in Kurzeme

    Research Papers for university15  

    I have chosen this topic because I found it interesting to get to know what kind of Latvian surnames are most popular in Kurzeme. Of course the numbers are approximate because I ...

  • City Ventspils

    Research Papers for secondary school7  

    Ventspils is the sixth largest city of Latvia. Latvia is located in the eastern part of Europe by the Baltic Sea. Latvia borders on Estonia to the north, Russian Federation to the ...

  • The Environmental Problems

    Essays for secondary school1  

    I’m going to speak about some kinds of pollution, for example air pollution or acid rain, water pollution. Now different kinds of trees, many of the animals, birds, fish are in ...

  • Nature Protection

    Essays for elementary school1  

    Is our environment protected? I do not think so. Because dirty things go around, for example, smoke, waste, rubbish, etc. It comes from people themselves.

  • Water Pollution

    Summaries, Notes for secondary school2  

    Many causes of pollution including sewage and fertilizers contain nutrients such as nitrates and phosphates. In excess levels, nutrients over stimulate the growth of aquatic ...

  • Air Pollution

    Essays for secondary school1 Evaluated! 

    Air pollution comes from many different sources such as factories, power plants, dry cleaners, cars, buses, trucks and even windblown dust and wildfires. Air pollution can threaten ...


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