This take home exam in the form of a case study deals with the issue of harmonization. The case study analyze Directive 75/106/EEC, Directive 89/676/EEC an Art. 94, Art. 100a.
Questions to the Directive
1.Which basic considerations must the institutions find out whether the Community in a certain area have the competence to issue secondary law?
“Harmonisierung: erlass von sekundärem Recht.
Erfordert eine Kompetenzbestimmung:
Allgemeiner Art (Art. 94, 95 und 308 EG)
Spezieller Art (z.B. Art. 40 and 42 EC)
Diese kann bestimmen:
Die Form der Massnahme: Richtlinie? Verordnung? Undefiniert? (vgl. Art. 94 mit Art. 95 EG)
Das Verfahren: Beteiligung der Organe und Ausschüsse insbes. Des parlamentes (Anhörung, Zussamenarbeit Mitenscheidung)
Stimmerforderdernisse für die Verabschiedung (Einstimmigkeit, qualifizierte Mehrheit)
(vgl. Art. 94 mit Art. 95 EG)
Den Harmonisierungsgrad z. B. total - minimal (vgl. Art. 137 Abs. 2 EG)
In Bereichen der überschneidedenden Kompetenz ausserdem Subsidiarität!”i
“The EC can only act within the framework of the competences given to it by the Member States through the EC Treaty. There are two ways of attributing competences to the EC:
Normally: explicit attribution means, that the powers given to the EC are stated in the Treaty, in legal basis provisions, which explicitly mention the fields or/ and areas concerned.
Exceptionally: implicit attribution means, that recognition of the existence of certain powers by the ECJ, though the fields or/and areas concerned are not explicitly mentioned in the Treaty, through an extensive interpretation of legal basis provisions.”ii…