More than a third of female participants said to have 3 friends, when most of the male participants answered they still have only one real friend to rely on in a difficult situation. And the third age group is male and female from 30 to 39 years old. The situation at this stage is rather different showing the decreasing number of friends all in all. 33% of female has said to have two real friends, and 27% of male participants have refused to have any friends at all. This survey shows the difference of human perception of friendship and their attitude towards the importance of really meaningful relationships. Statistic shows that only few people have more than 10 real friends, supporting the previously mentioned difficulties keeping too many friends.
At all times friendship is viewed differently, and every relationship between two people is different, so it is very hard to define friendship or distinguish between positive and negative effects of it in one’s life, but as Samuel Johnson once said: “If a man does not make new acquaintances as he advances through life, he will soon find himself alone. A man should keep his friendships in constant repair.”