Human Body Types
Presentations25 Anatomy, Medicine and Hygiene, Sport, Fitness
Nr. | Chapter | Page. |
The 3 Somatotypes | ||
Ectomorphs | ||
Ectomorphs and sport | ||
Ectomorph eating tips | ||
Ectomorph examples | ||
Endomorphs | ||
Endomorphs and sport | ||
endomorph eating tips | ||
endomorph examples | ||
mesomorphs | ||
mesomorphs and sport | ||
mesomorph eating tips | ||
mesomorph examples | ||
Combined body types | ||
survey | ||
survey results |
Mesomorph Training Tips:
●Training in the 8-12 repetition rep range
●30-1 min rest periods between sets
●Enough cardio to stay lean but not a ton
This, along with minimal body fat, allows them to be a candidate for a top athlete in any sport, as they respond well to cardio and resistance training. Furthermore, as they gain or lose weight easily, it allows them to adapt to the needs of the specific sport.
Mesomorph Dieting Tips:
●Keep carbohydrates at 40-60%
●Portion meals by balling up your fist – that’ 1 portion size
●Break meals into 5-6 smaller meals throughout the day
●Eat enough calories to maintain muscle mass
Experts recommend that mesomorphs eat five to seven meals daily. Adequate protein consumption is essential, especially for more active people. Mesomorphs should consume 1.5g of protein per pound of body weight. They should also eat a higher proportion of carbohydrates to protein. More carbohydrates from dried fruits, oatmeal, potatoes and other foods can be easily obtained. To include healthy fats increase the intake of nuts, flaxseed oil, olive oil, avocados and etc., in your diet.
Body Type Combinations
Now it is not only possible that you are a combination of the above three body types, but probable! Think about it, what are the odds taht you fit exactly into one of the three types perfectly? You are most likely able to identify yourself with one over the other two, but you still might have qualities of some of the others.
In fact, it is rare to be one of the “pure breeds”. Being purely ectomorphic and short will put you at a great advantage to do professional horse racing as a jockey while being a pure endomorph might set you up for sumo wrestling. The negative stigma of body types is only there if you let it. There are many advantages pure breeds have over individuals compromised as a combination.
Prezentācija angļu valodā par 3 galvenajiem ķermeņa tipiem sportā un svarcelšanā - ectomorph, endomorph, mesomorph. Prezentācijā apskatīti galvenie atšķirības aspekti, priekšrocības un individuālā piemērotība sportā, kā arī ēšanas paradumi. Veikta neliela aptauja, aptaujājot cilvēkus par viņu ķermeņa tipiem. Pielikumā Word fails ar visu informāciju, kas attēlota prezentācijā.
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Human Body Types
Presentations25 Anatomy, Medicine and Hygiene, Sport, Fitness
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