This experiment concluded as a partial success, generating data that proved that
addition of the enzyme supplement to test solutions does in fact affect their activity. Though the hypothesis has not been answered, due to the fact that there
is not enough data to clearly conclude the effect of varying pH levels on the enzymatic activity. There is clear conclusive evidence that the enzymatic supplement itself is active, and further more seems to work at varying pH levels,
though no trend could be found regarding what pH levels are the most beneficial
for the activation of the enzymes present, by the data alone that was generated in
these trials. Unfortunately this fact leads to the conclusion that the research question could not be answered with only the data generated by these trials alone.
Though this experiment has set up a basis for further research on this subject, as
by the data generated it can be concluded that there is variation between the enzymatic activity in various pH environments. Finally it can be deduced that this enzymatic supplement would in fact be effective in humans, because no down regulation in activity could be noted in the solution with a pH of 1,5 that most
closely resembles the environment of the human digestive system.…