A Three Day Trip to London
Nr. | Chapter | Page. |
Introduction | 3 | |
1. | London | 4 |
1.1. | The History of London | 4 |
1.2. | London Today | 5 |
2. | Descriptions of Museums and Attractions | 6 |
2.1. | The First Day | 6 |
2.1.1. | The Natural History Museum | 6 |
2.1.2. | The Sherlock Holmes Museum | 7 |
2.1.3. | Oxford Street | 8 |
2.1.4. | Madame Tussaud’s Museum | 8 |
2.2. | The Second Day | 9 |
2.2.1. | Buckingham Palace | 9 | | Changing of the Guards | 10 |
2.2.2. | British Museum | 10 |
2.2.3. | London Dungeo | 11 |
2.2.4. | London Eye | 12 |
2.3. | The Third Day | 12 |
2.1. | Westminster Cathedral | 12 |
2.2. | Westminster Abbey | 13 |
2.3. | Houses of Parliament | 14 |
Big Ben | 15 | |
2.4. | Tower of London | 15 |
2.5. | Tower Bridge | 16 |
3. | The Three Day Trip Description | 18 |
3.1. | The Route | 18 |
3.1.1. | The First Day | 19 |
3.1.2. | The First Trip Day | 19 |
3.1.3. | The Second Trip Day | 20 |
3.1.4. | The Third Trip Day | 20 |
3.1.5. | The Last Day | 21 |
3.2. | Costs | 21 |
4. | The Questionnaire analysis | 23 |
4.1. | Primary School Students’ Opinion | 23 |
4.2. | Secondary School Students’ Opinion | 25 |
Conclusion | 28 | |
Bibliography | 30 | |
Anotācija | 35 | |
The Annotation | 36 |
For someone travelling is a hobby, passion or a way of relaxation. It is always a positive activity, because you can learn many new things like the history of countries, cities and exciting buildings, monuments, and also practise your language. Besides, which is also very important, you can meet new people and try to understand the culture, traditions and customs of different nations.
The author has chosen the present theme because nowadays travelling is popular in Latvia and all around the world. London was chosen because the author travelled to this city a few months ago, therefore she would use her own experience in order to improve a route and avoid the gaps, which were present during her trip. Thus, before working out the present paper the following hypothesis was put forward - London is a city of great opportunities for sightseeing.
A method of literature analysis was used in the present paper in order to find the most important and interesting information.
The main objectives were, firstly, to make the accomplished route for three days in order to do the sightseeing in London. Secondly, to get to know the history of London. Thirdly, to find out interesting facts about the city.
The approachable result of the present research paper is to find the most interesting and the most famous museums, monuments with fascinating history and amazing exhibitions. It provides with the proof that it is possible to attend many museums and culture memorials in three days, and creates the impression, that a traveller will be willing to come to this city one more time.
This paper can be used by teachers, students and other people, when they are planning their trip to London.
Tasks of the present paper:
1. To find the required information.
2. To select the information according to its importance.
3. To find out the main facts about the history of London.
4. To draw conclusions from the theoretical and practical part.
5. To prepare the questionnaire regarding the theme.
1. London
1.1. The History of London
At first the city was called Londinium, which is a Celtic name, not Latin. In the 1st century AD Romans bridged the river and built their administrative headquarters on the north bank. It was in a good position to trade with the rest of the Empire, because of the Thames. The city at that time had taken over many Roman traditions like gladiator fighting.
The medieval history of dividing between London’s centres of commerce and government started in the mid-11th century. Also at that time tradesmen set up their own guilds and institutions, and the first mayor was appointed. Population never raised much above its Roman peak of 50,000, because disease was rife, and in 1348 the Black Death reduced the population by half.
In the 16th century the monarchy was very strong. The Tudors allowed art and commerce to flourish. This renaissance time was opened the New World, the theatre, the nation’s most lasting contribution to world culture. In 1642 had been the Civil War, when mercantile class demanded that some of the monarch’s power was passed to Parliament. Also at that period there were two major tragedies: the Plague in 1665 and the Great Fire in 1666, which lasted for 5 days and had destroyed 13,000 houses.
At Georgian time the foundation of the Bank of London in 1694 spurred the growth of London and it had become an important financial and commercial centre. Architects like John Soane and John Nash had drowned inspiration from the great European capital.
(Trīs dienu ceļojums uz Londonu) Zinātniski pētnieciskajā darbs tapa ar mērķi izveidot trīs dienu maršrutu uz Londonu, lai parādītu mazu daļu no Londonas dzīves, kultūras un vēstures. Darba gaitā pierādīta hipotēze - Londona ir pilsēta ar lielisku piedāvājumu - ievērojamu vietu apskatīšana. Šajā darbā ir pētīta Londonas vēsture un mūsdienas. Autore teorētiskajā daļa ir apskatījusi un apkopojusi informāciju par maršrutā iekļautajiem apskates objektiem. Darbā izklāstīta maršruta gaita, paredzamās izmaksas, transporta veidi, kas tiks izmantoti. Zinātniski pētnieciskajā darbā tika izmantota literatūras analīze un anketēšanas metode, interneta resursi un citi literatūras avoti. Darba ietvaros tika aptaujāti 65 pamatskolas skolēni un 77 vidusskolas skolēni, kuru atbilžu rezultāti ir apkopoti diagrammās un analizēti darba praktiskajā daļā. Darbs sastāv no 44 lapām, kuras ietver 4 nodaļas un pielikumu.
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