Special Means Use in Police Work
Nr. | Chapter | Page. |
Introduction | 4 | |
1. | Rights of Police Officers to Use Physical Force, Special Means, Special Vehicles, Use Service Dogs and Horses and Place Detained Persons at Places of Temporary Keeping | 5 |
2. | Classification of special means | 8 |
2.1. | Special means application order | 9 |
2.2. | Baton using order | 10 |
2.3. | Procedure for Application of handcuffs and tying means | 10 |
2.4. | Gas pistols and revolvers | 12 |
Conclusions | 13 | |
Keywords | 14 | |
List of used resources | 15 |
In terms of the special assets - gas revolvers and pistols efficiency, it is appropriate to note the following aspects. Priority objectives of self-defense has not weapon caliber, but the shot created as a result of gas cloud size and the geometrical dimensions, as the main factor that keeps the aggressive attacker in the distance.
The author wants to point out that using this type of firearm is a significant rating calculated the distance to the target, as well as wind direction and strength. Using gas weapons must be careful because using it as defense you can make a significant damage to the opponent.
We cannot live in country without a police an author cannot imagine our life without police.
In conclusion author thinks that specials means which are used in police work are necessary because policeman does not know when and what will happen in his job. Police officers are in potential risk at their work, especially criminal police officers.
Police worker during his everyday work has to face different situations that are unpredictable. The only thing which policeman can do is stick to precautionary principles, before taking actions.
Special means very often save police workers’ and other peoples’ lives which are endangered. But before using special means policemen has to learn how to use them.
In author’s opinion, present laws, which determine the use of special means for policemen needs, are right and those laws should not be changed.
Speclīdzekļi kurus pielieto policijas darbinieki (Special means use in police work) 1. Rights of Police Officers to Use Physical Force, Special Means, Special Vehicles, Use Service Dogs and Horses and Place Detained Persons at Places of Temporary Keeping Police officer, in performing his or her office duties, has the right to use physical force, special fighting techniques, special means (chemical substances, objects or mechanisms intended for self-protection or ensuring of public order and security, but which are not weapons) and special vehicles, use service dogs and horses, as well as to place detained persons at places of temporary keeping and in vehicles intended for such reasons, but in exceptional cases, if there is a large number of detained persons, also at places of temporary keeping confined temporarily, in order to: 1. repel an attack on persons, police officers and persons who are performing their duties of service in guaranteeing public safety and in the fight against crime; 2. repel an attack on buildings, premises, structures and means of transport regardless of their ownership, or free facilities occupied by armed persons; 3. free hostages; 4. prevent mass disorder and group violations of public order; 5. arrest and convey persons violating the law to a police institution, as well as restrain arrested, detained and convicted persons if such persons do not submit to or resist police officers, or if there is reason to believe that such persons may escape or do harm to other persons nearby or themselves; 6. stop intentionally wrongful resistance to lawful requests made by police officers or other persons performing service duties in guaranteeing public order or in the fight against crime.
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