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ID number:330785
Published: 21.11.2017.
Language: English
Level: College/University
Literature: n/a
References: Not used

So, we could then say that the individual leads a good life by fulfilling his or her own wishes and behaving in a way that is true to themselves, but even this definition would be insufficient, since the individual does not necessarily know his or her desires, so even fulfilling all of one’s own wishes does not guarantee a good life.
Ultimately, Aristotle’s idea of a good life, although well thought-out, seems to fall short of defining a good life that can account for every individual’s situation. Despite his attempts to account for a variety of scenarios by applying general concepts of what a good life is, Aristotle still defines a good life in a way that is too specific to be applied to all instances of human behavior. Personally, I see Aristotle’s idea of a good life to be close to my own idea of what a good life is. However, with access to thousands of years of accumulated human knowledge, I recognize that what is best for me is likely not best for everyone, and others must find their own path to happiness on their own journey.

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