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  • Ho to Stop the Violence in Schools?

    Presentations for secondary school16  

    ... what they represent.’’ ‘’Vardarbība notiek tāda iemesla ...

  • English Speaking Countries

    Research Papers for secondary school14  

    Introduction I chose this project because it is interesting to know some things about English speaking countries. With this project I want to present the all-important things ...

  • Gender and Social Stereotypes in the USA

    Presentations for secondary school9  

    Conclusion A characteristic was simple racial separation, in which whites had much higher public status. Gender inequality creates an inflexible society. Inequality is caused by ...

  • Essay about Vicious and Violent Sport

    Essays for secondary school1  

    What is up to me, I think that nowadays people are stalled in the routine. They have no time for sport activity like tennis, football, basketball etc, so they compensate it with ...

  • Sexual Abuse

    Research Papers for secondary school19  

    Conclusion From this report, I have made a couple of final conclusions from analyzing the gained information. • Sexual crimes are deeply traumatising for the victims. o ...

  • Society Is Getting more Violent

    Essays for elementary school1  

    No one is arguing anymore that there is a direct link between violence on screens, in the press, computer games and rising levels of violence in real life. It's scientifically ...

  • Society Is Getting More Violent

    Essays for elementary school1  

    And all of this is a form of violence. I would not say that they should not have a voice, because every voice is needed to be heard, but it is possible to express your opinion ...

  • Gender Equality

    Research Papers for secondary school1  

    In many communities it is men who hold the power, so it is also important to change the view of men. By creating support groups and religious and traditional leaders voicing their ...

  • Prevention of Violence in School

    Presentations for secondary school12  

    ... put into place. Vardarbību skolas vidē no ... nepieciešams sodīt vienlīdzīgi. Vardarbību skolā iespējams izskaust ...

  • Glossary of Legal Terms

    Summaries, Notes for university8  

    Verbs and verb phrases to abolish – atcelt to accuse of – apsūdzēt to acquit - attaisnot to admit – atzīties to alienate - atsavināt to appropriate property – piesavināties ...

  • Family Violence Creates Violent Societies

    Essays for secondary school1  

    First, in Latvia approximately 120 women suffer from violence with heavy consequences, 35 women are killed every year. However, United Nations Organization’s data even emphasize ...

  • TV violence

    Essays for university2  

    Dear parents, today I want you to think about the violence on television and the harm that it can cause to your children. I want you to think, how much time your child spends in ...

  • Media and Violence

    Research Papers for secondary school7 Evaluated! 

    Rapidly changing environment and development of new technologies require humans to capture large amount of information every day. One of the easiest and convenient sources of ...

  • Domestic Violence in UK

    Presentations for secondary school10  

    What is Domestic Violence? Domestic Violence against family members How to protect ourselves from Domestic Violence?

  • Domestic Violence

    Research Papers for secondary school9  

    Culture, i.e. behaviour models, customs and traditions, the way of thinking is not inborn. It is obtained – first of all, in the family. Culture is the first person’s strategy to ...

  • Conjunctions, Cinking Words, Adverbs

    Summaries, Notes for secondary school18  

    The British Press The British press consists of several kinds of newspapers. The national papers are the ones sold all over the country, with a large circulation, giving general ...

  • The Terrorism to Come

    Essays for university3  

    Terrorism as form of violence is know quite a long time but usually it was understood as violence in a local meaning – in some region or inside country’s bounds. Living in 21st ...

  • English for Law

    Summaries, Notes for university16  

    Sources of Modern law 1.To impose fine-uzlikt naudas sodu 2.To break rules (law)-pārkāpt likumu 3.To suffer penalty-izciest sodu 4.To commit crimes-izdarīt noziegumu 5. ...

  • Preses žurnālistikas metodes un žanri

    Essays for university2  

    Man ļoti patika autora valoda, jo tajā ir kaut kas pavisam vienkāršs, bet tajā pašā laikā izcilas stāstnieka (rakstītāja) prasmes, jo izlasot reportāžu, man viss ir saprotams un ...

  • Violence at Home

    Presentations for secondary school16  

    2 women die from domestic violence every week 50% of all marriages experience one or more episodes of domestic violence. In 20% of all marriages, this domestic violence is ...

  • Human Migration Problem

    Research Papers for university13 Evaluated! 

    Introduction Migration in all of times was a very important problem and in my opinion that is also important problem in Latvia especially in last year’s. Each year much more ...

  • Sport as a Substitute for War

    Essays for secondary school1  

    There have been many discussions whether sport can work as a substitute for such matters as violence, gap among different social groups and also the war. It has to be mentioned ...

  • Glossary of Legal Terms

    Summaries, Notes for university22  

    taisnīgums justice “(1) Title of certain judicial officers; (2) constant and perpetual disposition to render every man his due; (3) impartial adjustment of conflicting claims; ...


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