You can quickly add any paper to your favourite. Cool!Competitiveness of J/S Company "Kometa" in the World Market
Term Papers for university75
The topic of dissertation “Competitiveness of J/S Company ‘Kometa’ in the world market” is essential, because competitiveness proves to be necessary prerequisite for success of any ...
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Improvement of the Sales Management System Based on the Continuous Optimization of Virtual Business Logistic Chains
Term Papers for university85
The term of virtual enterprises is not new for the world of sales. By the end of the 90s a lot of companies started to implement new technologies in their strategies in order to ...
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The Origin of Canada and Native Canadians
Research Papers for secondary school16
How many people know about the origin of Canada? The same question I asked to myself and could not find the answer. How comes that nobody knows where the second biggest country in ...
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Socio-Economic Factors of Consumer Behavior: Regional Aspect. Patērētāju uzvedības sociālekonomiskie faktori: reģionālais aspekts
Summaries, Notes for university82
NOBEIGUMS Galvenie secinājumi, atzinumi un konstatējumi Promocijas darbā ar ekonomisko uzvedību apzīmēts pazīmju un rādītāju kopums, kas raksturo patērētāju darbības, ieskaitot ...
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Analysis of EU Funded Investment Project for Latvian Railway Industry Development
Term Papers for university111
Conclusions and Recommendations In the present Master’s thesis, the author has conducted the study of the topic “Analysis of EU funded investment project for Latvian railway ...
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Progress in Renewable Energy Technologies: Innovation Potential in Latvia
Term Papers for university77
TOP 500CONCLUSIONS 1. There is a general consensus that proposed statement (hypothesis) about the development of MCDM for analysing RET progress and innovation potential in Latvia is ...
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Change in Use of Technology
Research Papers for university15
Change refers to the process of accomplishing business activities through altering the key components or strategies. This report is about “Change in the use of Technology” based on ...
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Evaluation of Sports Tourism Development in Tukums Region
Term Papers for university62
Conclusions and Suggestions Conclusions: 1. Tukums region has quite wide choice of provided sports tourism supply, it includes sport events (professional level and non- ...
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Translation Theory
Term Papers for university95
CONCLUSION The current Diploma paper presents the reader a view on translation in general, translation theory and the approaches of several significant sicentisits to it. Each ...
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English-Latvian-Russian Equivalence of Proverbs that Contain the Names of Animals
Term Papers for university63
CONCLUSION Having done the research and written the paper “The English-Latvian-Russian Equivalence of Proverbs that Contain the Names of Animals” the author has come to the ...
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English as a Means of Communication between the West and the East
Term Papers for university48
Evaluated!The theme of the present paper is “English as a Means of Communication between the West and the East”. The reasons for writing a paper on this topic are numerous. Today English is ...
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Difference between American and British Language
Research Papers for secondary school5
Evaluated!American English. In the early part of the seventeenth century English settlers began to bring their language to America, and another series of changes began to take place. The ...
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Marketing Plan
Business Plans for university24
Evaluated!Our company will provide people with bicycle parking services which includes easy to use payment system and secured parking possibilities in the centre of Riga and around it. ...
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The Analysis of Efficiency and Productivity Levels of Latvian E-government
Term Papers for university73
The concept of e-Government is not anymore perceived as a breakthrough in the public sector, in contrast it became one of the major and fundamental issues of governing in the ...
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Contract for Participation at Fair-exhibition
Samples for university11
1.1. The COMMITTEE will organize the fair (exhibition) _______ ______________________ and will promote mutually beneficial trade agreement between the PARTICIPANT of the fair and ...
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Agreement on Preparation Tehnical and Scientific Production
Samples for university19
_____________________________________________________ (name of the association, company) hereinafter referred to as the PERFORMER, in presence of __________________, acting on ...
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Strategy for the Integration into the European Union
Research Papers for university22
The accession to the European Union (EU) provides Latvia with an opportunity to participate in the development of European and global economy, politics and culture. The previous EU ...
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Portfolio of Translations
Research Papers for university50
Anotācija Darba mērķis ir iepazīstināt lasītāju ar izvēlēto tekstu tulkojumu un lingvostilistisku analīzi. Izpētes metodes un datu vākšana: zinātniskās literatūras pētīšana un ...
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The Problematic of Individual Electoral Preference and Choice
Research Papers for university14
This paper exploits such problem – “The voter is rational”, – it is irrefutable axiom of rational choice theory. Consumer preferences and rational calculation of self-interest both ...