You can quickly add any paper to your favourite. Cool!Development of Web Based Gravity Model for Forecasting the Commuters
Term Papers for university120
Evaluated!This paper is concerned primarily with the way in which transport affects population migrations as well and hence regions’ growth and development. The main results of my ...
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Kоmercbankas dalītо pakalpоjumu centra izveide
Term Papers for university135
Pēdējo desmitu gadu laikā vairāki uzņēmumi visā pasaulē samazināja savas izmaksas ievēšot Dalīto Pakalpojumu centrus, kur biznesa procesi tiek deligēti speciāli zveidotai ...
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English Glossary
Summaries, Notes for secondary school12
Protocol The principal set (or communications protocol) of digital message formats and rules for exchanging messages between computers across a single network or a series of ...
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Alcohol Consumption and Alcoholism Prevention in Finland and Latvia
Research Papers for university12
Drinking and alcohol consumption existed for ages in every corner of the world. Depending on the state and culture the drinking habits and models differ a lot: one uses alcohol to ...
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Glossary of Terms
Summaries, Notes for university30
Variety- plural varieties 1)a variety of something a lot of things of the same type that are different from each other in some way: The girls come from a variety of different ...
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Socio-Economic Factors of Consumer Behavior: Regional Aspect. Patērētāju uzvedības sociālekonomiskie faktori: reģionālais aspekts
Summaries, Notes for university82
NOBEIGUMS Galvenie secinājumi, atzinumi un konstatējumi Promocijas darbā ar ekonomisko uzvedību apzīmēts pazīmju un rādītāju kopums, kas raksturo patērētāju darbības, ieskaitot ...
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Pascal Examples
Samples for secondary school15
Type Product = record Name:string; Number:integer; End; My_text = file of string[80]; Var F1: file of char; F2 : text; F3: file; F4: my_text; F5: file of ...
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The Peat Extraction Impact on Hydrological Regime of the Raised Bog
Presentations for university13
Methods Qualitative – literature review Quantitative – the statistitical analysis of monitoring data of groundwater level and development of ArcGis maps For the climatic ...
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CV and Motivation Letter / CV un motivācijas vēstule
Samples for university4
Higher Education: Place: Latvian University Faculty of Economics and Management, Master's degree in Public Management. Master’s piece subject: “Tourism policy’s development ...
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Home Reading Understanding Economics Chapter 3. Mājās lasīšanas atskaite
Summaries, Notes for secondary school3
Annotation The chapter deals with definition of money and its functions. Firstly, reading this chapter, we get information about history of money, how it has changed and ...
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Data Protection Rights in Employment Relations
Summaries, Notes for university5
GDPR does not prohibit oral consent but requires sufficient documentation (Article 7(1) of GDPR) to demonstrate that Ieva gave the consent. However, it will fall upon the data ...
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Gearbox Characteristics
Summaries, Notes for secondary school2
The ungoverned torque output of the Vortec 8100 8.1L gas engine and the introduction of the Duramax Diesel 6.6L engine necessitated the introduction of the ZF S6-650 (ML6) in the ...
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Competitiveness of J/S Company "Kometa" in the World Market
Term Papers for university75
The topic of dissertation “Competitiveness of J/S Company ‘Kometa’ in the world market” is essential, because competitiveness proves to be necessary prerequisite for success of any ...
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Child in the Novel "Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland" by Lewis Carroll
Term Papers for university46
Evaluated!The theme of the research paper is “Child in the novel “Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland” by Lewis Carroll”. The reasons for writing a paper on this topic can be named numerous. ...
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Queen Elizabeth II Impact on Society During Sixty Years of Reign
Research Papers for secondary school25
CONCLUSIONS Goal of this scientific research is achieved. The author have collected and compiled information for this work. A short biography about Queen Elizabeth II are set ...
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The Image of Vampire in 19th Century British Literature
Term Papers for university70
CONCLUSION The aim of this paper was to analyze and study transformations of image of vampire in literary works during the 19th century and to study the earliest image of European ...
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Differences between British and American English
Research Papers for secondary school23
3. Summary After having processed and analyzed literature about British and American English, author has concluded that differences between them developed in a very early stage ...
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Language Situation and Language Policy in Latvia and Canada
Research Papers for university6
Also, the Official Languages Act establishes a Commissioner of Official Languages [18]. The duties of a Commissioner of Official Languages are to ‘hear and investigate complaints, ...
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Research Papers for university5
In conclusion the author sums up that averagely males receive 63% longer sentences than women and it is much more probable for women arrestees to avoid charges and convictions or ...
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Ebay Now
Samples for university7
• Analyze the impact of eBay’s same day delivery on other online and physical stores. Identify the challenges faced by eBay in operating its same-day delivery service and explore ...
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Philosophical Aspect of the Concept Death in S.Beckett's Play "Waiting for Godot"
Term Papers for university48
CONCLUSION Having done the research and written the bachelor paper on theme Philosophical Aspects of the Concept DEATH in S. Beckett’s Play “Waiting for Godot”, the author of the ...
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Investment Company "Indexo"
Presentations for secondary school9
Indexo Founded January 10, 2017 30 Latvian businessmans 2nd pension level plan - 6% make up savings Company invests in index funds
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Eloctrinic Filing Systems
Research Papers for secondary school8
Why I prefer Google Drive Based on the information above, I have chosen to use Google Drive to store my files for this course. It's easy to use and I can share my documents or ...
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Cryptography for Dummies. A Primer on Crypto Basics
Essays for university3
SUMMARY Network logons and password are the simplest way to keep unauthorized users off the network and sections of data which are not meant to share with others. Logons and ...
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Summaries, Notes for secondary school22
Adverb A type of word that usually occurs as an adjunct to a VP or to a sentence. It most typically expresses such notions as time, place, manner, instrument, or circumstance. ...