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Showing 1 - 25 of 42 on 2 pages
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  • Socio-Economic Factors of Consumer Behavior: Regional Aspect. Patērētāju uzvedības sociālekonomiskie faktori: reģionālais aspekts

    Summaries, Notes for university82  

    NOBEIGUMS Galvenie secinājumi, atzinumi un konstatējumi Promocijas darbā ar ekonomisko uzvedību apzīmēts pazīmju un rādītāju kopums, kas raksturo patērētāju darbības, ieskaitot ...

  • Glossary

    Summaries, Notes for secondary school6  

    Niche market /niːʃ/– nišu tirgus a small group of buyers with special need, which may be profitable to sell to(e.g. sports cars) .There is litle or no competition and limited ...

  • Film Database

    Summaries, Notes for university20  

    This database was designed to monitor all the actions and sales of the film shop during some period of time. With the help of this database it will be easier to overlook the stock ...

  • For Various Articles from "The Baltic Times"

    Summaries, Notes for secondary school17  

    n this article on Domestic row ends in explosive tragedy it say’s that the bomb explosion that triggered fears of terrorism and took the lives of the bomber and one officer in ...

  • English Speaking Countries

    Research Papers for secondary school14  

    Introduction I chose this project because it is interesting to know some things about English speaking countries. With this project I want to present the all-important things ...

  • PR Specialist in the Company

    Presentations for university13  

    BTA provides assistance to its customers with the choice of the appropriate insurance protection. The company advises on various insurance cover possibilities, finds the best ...

  • State Revenue Service Riga Regional Office

    Research Papers for university7  

    Today the SRS is an institution of direct governance under the supervision of Minister of Finance that ensures the accounting of tax payments and registration of taxpayers, ...

  • The Construction Process. Būvniecības process

    Essays for university8  

    The location of the buildings is a flat rectangular site, it’s address is 4, Airu street, Riga. The site borders on other building plots. The purpose of the site – the territory of ...

  • Database Planing Project Description

    Samples for university18  

    CONCLUSIONS Designing and constructing simple database is a task that anyone could do. All depends on how we choose to do it. To maintain simple database you don’t need a higher ...

  • Nelle Harper Lee and "To Kill a Mockingbird"

    Presentations for elementary school20  

    The trial Town's sheriff explains the situation, how he found Maywella with signs of somebody who has tried to suffocate her, and with bruising on the right eye Bob Ewell claims ...

  • Accounting Principles in Latvia

    Presentations for secondary school10  

    9 Accounting Principles Business Units Long-term working principle Principle of consistency Precautionary principle The materiality principle Historical cost principle ...

  • Posttraumatic Stress Disorder

    Presentations for secondary school12  

    6. Slaids What treatments are available? There are two main types of treatment, psychotherapy (sometimes called counseling or talk therapy) and medication. Sometimes people ...

  • "New Moon" by Stephanie Meyer

    Summaries, Notes for secondary school2  

    I know that there is a movie about this book, but I haven’t seen it yet. I believe that in some way it’s different from the book and in other way it’s same as the book. I don’t ...

  • Biznesa plāns

    Research Papers for secondary school4  

    Sales, costs and profits Flora SPA will be a luxurious beauty salon offering high quality treatments with individual approach to customers. As mentioned above, spa hotels will be ...

  • Kоmercbankas dalītо pakalpоjumu centra izveide

    Term Papers for university135 TOP 500

    Pēdējo desmitu gadu laikā vairāki uzņēmumi visā pasaulē samazināja savas izmaksas ievēšot Dalīto Pakalpojumu centrus, kur biznesa procesi tiek deligēti speciāli zveidotai ...

  • Bookkeeping

    Summaries, Notes for university38  

    1. INTRODUCTION TO ACCOUNTING 1.1. Notion of Accounting Text 1. Accountants 1 Accountant, or Qualified Accountant, or Professional Accountant, is a certified accountancy and ...

  • Economic Terms

    Summaries, Notes for university6  

    № 1 Term Balance of payment (balance of trade) Definition the difference between the value of exports and the value of imports Translation Maksājumu bilance 2 Assurance ...

  • Economical Activity

    Summaries, Notes for university9  

    Economic activity is directed toward satisfying consumers’ wants. When individuals use income to satisfy their wants, this greater demand for goods and services generates economics ...

  • Conjunctions, Cinking Words, Adverbs

    Summaries, Notes for secondary school18  

    The British Press The British press consists of several kinds of newspapers. The national papers are the ones sold all over the country, with a large circulation, giving general ...

  • Sale/and-lease Back Contract

    Samples for university9  

    Present contract is concluded on ___ _________ 200__ at Riga between _________________________________, which is located at the address: ___________________, and is registered by ...

  • Contract (Sale of Goods with Delay of Payment against the Pledge of the Buyer)

    Samples for university8  

    Riga __ _______ 200__ Enterprise ____________, registered number LV ________, hereinafter referred to as The Sellers, in the presence of general director ...

  • AIDS and HIV

    Research Papers for university7  

    What is AIDS and HIV? HIV is a virus. Viruses infect the cells of living organisms and replicate within those cells. A virus can damage the cells it replicates in, which is one of ...

  • John Steinbeck

    Summaries, Notes for secondary school4  

    John Ernst Steinbeck was born in Salinas, California, on February 27, 1902 of German and Irish ancestry. His father, John Steinbeck, Sr., served as the County Treasurer while his ...

  • Coffee Shop "Coffee Planet"

    Business Plans for university9  

    . Description and Analysis of the Business Situation Company Description: The type of business that I am offering is a coffee shop. The name of my coffee ...

  • George Armitstead III

    Research Papers for secondary school27 Evaluated! 

    George Armitstead was an Englishman who became the Mayor of Riga at the turn of the twentieth century. As the Mayor between 1901 and 1912, George Armitstead entered our history as ...


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