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Showing 1 - 25 of 30 on 2 pages
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  • English Speaking Countries

    Research Papers for secondary school14  

    Introduction I chose this project because it is interesting to know some things about English speaking countries. With this project I want to present the all-important things ...

  • Different World and I in It

    Essays for secondary school1  

    World is very different. Exist different countries, people, languages, cultures and religions. Conception different world does not mean just continental world but many more things. ...

  • Glossary of Terms

    Summaries, Notes for university30  

    Variety- plural varieties 1)a variety of something a lot of things of the same type that are different from each other in some way: The girls come from a variety of different ...

  • Trip around Latvia

    Research Papers for university7  

    Places to visit and sights: exotic bird garden ‘’Salmiņi’’, Sigulda Cable Car, Sigulda Medieval Castle Ruins, Sigulda New Castle, Gutmanis Cave, Turaida Castle, Dainu Hill, Līgatne ...

  • Hooliganism

    Essays for secondary school5  

    Author thinks that not very nice situation today is on the Latvian streets and, under the name of hooliganism, takes forms that threaten the security of our society. Malicious ...

  • Unreliable People

    Summaries, Notes for secondary school4  

    4. Make back up plans. Don't plan your whole day (or night) around an unreliable person. Consider what you will do with your day if he or she ends up canceling or not showing up. ...

  • Youth Groups

    Research Papers for secondary school5  

    Conclusions 1. Youth culture contributes to globalization - the world becoming a single entity. Passion for more and new music styles, modern hairstyle and clothing's Instant ...

  • The Peat Extraction Impact on Hydrological Regime of the Raised Bog

    Presentations for university13  

    Methods Qualitative – literature review Quantitative – the statistitical analysis of monitoring data of groundwater level and development of ArcGis maps For the climatic ...

  • The Wood Industry in Latvia and It’s Effect on Latvian Economy

    Presentations for elementary school16  

    Summary of the wood industry in Latvia and it’s effect on Latvian economy Sustainable industry 30% of manufacturing industry Main subsectors: Sawmilling, wood chips and pallets ...

  • Slāpekļa cikls

    Presentations for secondary school15  

    Problēmas aktualitāte Latvijā Latvijā slāpekļa piesārņojums ir izteikts blīvi apdzīvotajos rajonos, kur ir daudz transportlīdzekļu. Mūsā slāpekļa piesārņojums pārsniedz noteikto ...

  • Cryptography for Dummies. A Primer on Crypto Basics

    Essays for university3  

    SUMMARY Network logons and password are the simplest way to keep unauthorized users off the network and sections of data which are not meant to share with others. Logons and ...

  • Air Pollution in the Environment Around Us

    Essays for university2  

    Some people might disagree saying that painting bicycle lanes is a good way to spend the taxpayers’ money. Others might feel that our government should be spending more money on ...

  • Poland

    Presentations for elementary school15  

    Cities in Poland Warsaw, Poznan, Wroclaw, Krakow and Gdansk are the most popular Polish cities. For hundreds of years polish history and architecture have been under influence of ...

  • What People in Latvia Know about Scotland

    Research Papers for secondary school30 Evaluated! 

    Introduction. The main aim is to prove that people in Latvia don’t know much about Scotland and its culture. Up to this moment I hadn’t showed any interest about Great Britain ...

  • Home Reading "Business"

    Essays for secondary school4  

    Chapter 7 defined human resources as the people (employees) who are ready, willing, and able to use their skills and knowledge to advance organizational objectives. 7. nodaļā ...

  • Balance - līdzsvars

    Summaries, Notes for university2  

    ... vizuālā lieluma) Simetriskais (Formālais) Līdzsvars Simetriskais līdzsvars ir ...

  • Exploration of Romantic Themes in John Keats’ Poetry

    Term Papers for university46 Evaluated! 

    Introduction John Keats whose life was tragically lost at the age of 25 has left behind collection of poems which still continue to surprise and inspire readers so many years ...

  • The Protection of National Parks in the Netherlands and Latvia

    Research Papers for university13  

    State-owned land protection from harmful human activities is known for centuries, but the idea of specific conservation and protected areas for environmental education emerged in ...

  • Canada

    Research Papers for secondary school4  

    Canada, federated country of North America, a member of the Commonwealth of Nations, bounded on the north by the Arctic Ocean; on the north-east by Baffin Bay and Davis Strait, ...

  • New Zealand

    Research Papers for secondary school1 Evaluated! 

    New Zealand’s most famous national symbol is nocturnol Kiwi – that is the reason why it is called also Kiwi country. It is a land of contrast, silverly beaches of the jagged coasts ...

  • Estonia

    Research Papers for secondary school12  

    Estonia lies along the Baltic Sea, just below Finland. Tallinn, Estonia’s capital city is only about 40 miles south of Helsinki, across the Gulf of Finland. Sweden is Estonia's ...

  • Extinct Languages in the Indo-European Language Group

    Research Papers for university12 Evaluated! 

    Introduction In this paper I will deal with the so-called “dead languages” in the Indo-European language group. When choosing the subject for this paper I got particularly ...

  • The Model Applied to Personal Management

    Research Papers for university5  

    Personāla vadīšana tika aprakstīta kā apakšprocesu tīklu plānošana, koordinēšana un kontrolēšana un apakšsistēmu sekmēšana, cilvēku resursu vervēšana, atlase, izmantošana, ...

  • Canada

    Research Papers for secondary school9  

    The second biggest country the world – Canada - take two fifths of the North America and it contains five time zones. Canada is divided 10 provinces and two territories. Today ...

  • Terminology in Music

    Research Papers for university20  

    Introduction Music terminology is not very much developed, just like any other sphere in Latvian. This is why there are different problems when writing papers, articles or books ...


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